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Heartbleed Security Update
Dear Azurelink Customers,
A serious security threat to the OpenSSL protocol was announced yesterday called "Heartbleed" (CVE-2014-0160) in which an attacker could surrepticiously obtain important user information.
Rest assured that all Azurelink servers have been updated as required and are safe from this specific threat. This only applies to ecommerce sites handling secure transactions, in which the little lock icon is engaged and your URL includes "https" at the beginning. If your site is an ecommerce site with transactions running through your own site (not through PayPal) this annoucement applies to you. You can easily verify it on your own by typing your domain name into the the tool provided at the following URL. because Azurelink's servers are secured against this new threat, you still need to make sure your own site software is kept secure with the latest versions. All content management system software and third-party extensions should be kept up-to-date by you or your webmaster. Please contact us if you aren't sure if you site needs updating. As with all software, new security vulnerabilities are discovered and patches are issued for them which need to be installed. Your site software updates are your responsibility and are outside of the purview of your web hosting agreement.
Thanks for your business!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
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